Why Vavoom Is The Best Sipping Vodka Brand

We are asked frequently how we've become one of the best Vodka brands in the world. Well, it's pretty simple really, we've simply taken shot after shot after shot, taste testing and working with the best people in the industry.
With Vodka being the most common distilled spirit, we knew it would be an uphill battle. However, Benjamin Nieporte would not settle for second best, he spent years perfecting the vodka taste and exquisite design of the Vavoom Vodka bottle seen below.
One of the main focal points we focused on was the fact that Vodka is first and foremost a "mixer". With that in mind, we had to be 100% certain that our Vodka mixed perfectly with EVERYTHING (not an easy task to say the least). With thousands of Vodka Cocktails to take into consideration like the Screwdriver, the Vodka tonic, the Cosmopolitan, and on and on, it took years to develop the perfect Vodka. However, if you've tried Vavoom Vodka, you know that the taste is far superior to all other brands on the market today.
If you haven't tried Vavoom Vodka, then you won't understand what you're missing. Make sure to pick up a bottle online today since it is only sold online.