Exquisite Tasting High End Vodka

From inception, the Vavoom vision was to surpass the competition not only with our Vodka taste but with the bottle presentation as well. With that vision and strategy in mind, we spent a lot of time tasting and testing the product until it was absolutely perfect! This process took years since we insisted the Vodka be exquisite tasting.
Our critics often comment that due to the fact that we have a beautiful vodka bottle that is handcrafted in Milan, Italy, that the Vodka must be subpar. To those critics we say, why do we have to sacrifice taste simply because we have the most beautiful vodka bottle on the market? We don’t! That is why we can hardly keep bottles on our shelves, the demand is so great we struggle to produce them fast enough.
We have a customer that has now purchased 50 bottles of our amazing vodka. He recently left us a review expressing how amazing our product is, and how much his friends like the bottles he has in his home. This particular customer has been buying our vodka for a long time now, and his behavior is not uncommon. We have so many stories from customers that just can’t get enough of our product. This is the exact reason why Luke Battiloro started this company. He had the vision and ingenuity to take the time and energy producing the greatest vodka on the planet, and the customers are grateful.
As we continue to grow our customer base, we always keep the initial vision in mind by going above and beyond for our customers as we did with our vodka production. When a customer buys our Vodka, they are purchasing our vision and passion. We want to pass along our gratitude to our customers by providing them with an amazing experience from the second they receive the bottle in the mail, until the time they open the wax top and pour their first drink from the bottle.