10 Facts You Need To Know About Quality Vodka

First of all, just the simple fact that you're reading this article about Vodka facts right now shows me that you're an inquisitive person and likely very educated and/or hellbent on learning more. I would assume that most people have no idea what Vodka is, or even how it's made, so for that reason, we've developed a list of facts that would be important to know in a discussion about Vodka that you'll likely encounter someday with friends at a social gathering or a bar somewhere.
Now, for that purpose, we’ve put together 10 facts you need to know about quality Vodka. Some of these you may already know, some might shock you a bit, but all will make you more informed on the subject and hopefully help you prove how smart you are to your friends!
Let’s discuss a few bullet point facts about Vodka...
- “Vodka” comes from the Slavic word for water, voda.
- Vodka was first created in Eastern Europe.
- The first record of Vodka was from Poland in 1405 (Russia was around 1751).
- Vodka has claim to medical application and can be used for that purpose.
- If Vodka is flavorless, it is flavorless on purpose.
- The top-selling Vodka worldwide was started by a peasant from Russia Pyotr Smirnov
- A fun fact, most Vodka isn’t made from potatoes. All you really need is a sugar source!
- Vodka is frozen so the viscosity and/or richness comes out
- Drinking Vodka in Russia is complicated. You toast then drink, then toast, then drink, etc.
- Russians normally consume food while drinking Vodka…. Not Red Bull lol.
I think the fact that stuck out to me the most was the fact that I can now grab my bottle of Vodka and apply it to all the scrapes and cuts my three daughters get every time we take a vacation (usually happens within the first few days so the rest of the trip we hear about how much it hurts when they enter the salt water.....GRRR). I'm half joking, but half serious lol.
In summary, I hope this article enlightened you to new facts and made you think about what Vodka is, where it was born, by whom, and different applications for it.